
Gender Resources

Leather Bars

The establishments listed below cater to a gay male clientele. There was a time when women would not be admitted to a leather bar. Times have changed-but not that much! You'll be a lot more comfortable if you go to these bars in gear. You don't have to take any shit from these guys, but don't be too quick to give them attitude-it is their space. If you hang out at any particular bar often enough to get to know the patrons and bartenders, it's possible to make yourself welcome.

Leather Shops

Mail Order Toys


National Directory

The Black Book, P. O. Box 31155, San Francisco, CA 94131-0155, (415) 824-8377. Editor Bill Brent and his editorial assistant Steve Omlid have put together the first attempt at a comprehensive, natiional guidebook for the leather, S/M, and fetish community. Layout is a little confusing and repetitive, but this directory has a wealth of information. $9.95.


Professional Services


Two free gay papers, the Bay Area Reporter and Bay Times, are also good places to check for events of interest. These free papers can be picked up in several locations in the Castro and along Valencia Street. If you live out of town and would like to order issues of these papers, contact info is below.

Other places to check are the SF Weekly and the Bay Guardian and the heterosexual adult newspaper, The Spectator, P. O. Box 1974, Berkeley, CA 94701, (510) 849-1615.


Sobriety and Miracles, Fridays at 8 p.m. at 150 Eureka (Metropolitan Community Church). Leather and S/M AA meeting. Chips.

You can get a list of 12-step meetings which welcome gay men and lesbians by going to 18th Street Services/Operation Concern, 217 Church Street (at Market), second floor. The list is free. You can call them at 861-4898.

Safe Sex Supplies

The Walgreen's drugstore on 18th and Castro carries a good selection of water-based lubricants and boxes of latex gloves in several sizes and condoms. You can obtain dental dams from Stormy Leather, the Bear Shop, or Good Vibrations. All Walgreen's drugstores will give you a free sharps container and exchange a full one for a new, empty one. I have found, however, that the Walgreen's on Castro and 18th St. is almost always out of the containers, and have better luck at the Walgreen's on Castro and 24th Street, which also has a parking lot.

Castro Village Pharmacy, around the corner on 18th, also carries safe-sex supplies. Some prices lower than Walgreen's.

Sex Education Resources

S/M Support Groups


A list of S/M-positive therapists can be found at Race Bannon's Kink-Aware Professionals web page.


Enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope any time you request information from a support group. These organizations are volunteer-run, and need your financial support. When mail-ordering toys or requesting catalogs, enclose a statement that you are over 21, not offended by sexually explicit material, and not a member of any law-enforcement agency.

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