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To order an autographed book, fill out the form found here and send a check for the book's cost plus $4 shipping and handling, to Pat Califia, 2215R Market St., Box 261, San Francisco, CA 94114. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.


Salacious salutations available. (when it pleases Pat, of course)


Doc and Fluff


Pat Califia


A futuristic science fiction novel about a big, bad dyke on a big, bad motorcycle who rescues a young woman who's the property of the Prez of a bunch of big, bad straight-boy bikers. Many adventures ensue. Warning: This is probably the most violent book I've written. Lots of sex, drugs, rock 'n' roll, and gore.

Doing It For Daddy (edited by Pat Califia) $14.95

A collection of 20 short stories (including one by me) and some moving poetry about this very forbidden fantasy. The stories are by people of all genders and feature just about every sort of daddy you can imagine. This book "broke format" by mixing gay male, lesbian, and straight erotic fiction. Authors include the awesome Carol Queen, Robin Sweeney, Derek Adams, and John Preston, among other luminaries.

Macho Sluts $14.95

My first collection of short fiction. Eight stories, including the infamous "Surprise Party," and my personal favorite, "The Spoiler." Although most of the material is about woman-to-woman S/M, there is one gay male story in the book and some action that could be construed as heterosexual if you overlook the utterly queer identities of the participants. This book is no longer marketed with the button, but I will send YOU a "Macho Sluts" button as long as my personal stash holds out.

Melting Point $14.95

The second collection of short fiction, featuring seven pieces, including "Slipping," a piece about relapsing into unsafe sex, "Fix Me Up," a science fiction piece about a world where a disease like AIDS has decimated the female population, and "Daddy," which has enough gender-fuck and incest heresy in it to scramble anybody's libido.


Public Sex: The Culture of Radical Sex
Second Edition now available!!!

This book includes essays from 15 years of publishing. A variety of topics are examined, including pornography, prostitution, public sex, S/M, age of consent, AIDS, spirituality, and others.

Sapphistry: The Book of Lesbian Sexuality

The first book I published, widely reviled by lesbian feminist reviewers when it first appeared in the late '70s. It contains a full spectrum of nonjudgmental information about lesbian sexuality, including butch-femme, S/M, transsexual women, and disabilities.

Sensuous Magic: A Guide for Adventurous Couples
out of print

This is a "how-to" book about S/M written primarily for straight couples, although I think anybody could make good use of the information. There's a resource list in the back. Lots of good information about communication, fantasies, emotional safety, physical safety, and technique.

Sex Changes: The Politics of Transgenderism

This is one of my recent books, examining the history of the transsexual identity and its implications for the future. Topics touched upon include early transsexual autobiography, the gender scientists who created the process of sex reassignment, transphobia in feminism, transphobia in gay academia, transsexual activism, the partners of transgendered people, and the future of gender.

The Second Coming: A Leatherdyke Reader

This sequel to Coming to Power was edited with Robin Sweeney. The book includes fiction as well as non-fiction dealing with such a bewildering range of topics they can't really be summarized here. We went out of our way to seek out as diverse a population of contributors as possible, so this book is sure to generate discussion, controversy, and some new thinking.


Diesel Fuel: Passionate Poetry

Now out of print - BUT AVAILABLE HERE!!!

My entire body of poetry written to date appears in this book. The work is personal, shocking, romantic, bawdy, angry, and honest. It's not one of those books of academic poetry that put you to sleep, I promise.

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