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The Solstice falls on or about December 21. Also known as Yule, this is a major holiday, when the sun reaches its weakest point, and we have the shortest day and the longest night of the year. The Crone is in full force. Many religions have placed the birth of their solar hero gods and saviors on this day: Jesus, Horus, Helios, Dionysus, and Mithras all claim Yule as their birthday. Since this day also represents the point at which the sun begins to wax, it represents rebirth and regeneration.

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FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THESE HOLIDAYS, consult Nigel Pennick's The Pagan Book Of Days, Rochester, Vermont: Destiny Books, 1992. This is a wonderful guide to the entire year, and contains a lot more information than simple descriptions of the major festivals.



little moons by Abby Willowroot